November 12

Winter Water: 5 Reasons to Stay Hydrated

We all know the importance of staying hydrated during the warm summer months, however for many of us our water intake declines over winter. There are less visible reminders to ensure you drink enough water in your day. 

Five Motivations to Drink Water This Winter

Here are five key motivations for why you should up your water intake to stay healthy and hydrated over the winter months.


“Water is vital for supplementing our organs, boosting our brain function, and even giving a bouncy glow to our skin.”

Support Your Immune System

Did you know that a lack of water can seriously weaken your immune system? Interestingly, not enough water dries out the mucous membranes. Mucous membranes are the inner lining of some organs and body cavities like the nose, mouth, lungs and stomach*. Staying hydrated helps keep these membranes moist which in turn can help resist viruses. And we know there are plenty of viruses roaming around these days.

Help your body optimize its function with water!

Good For Your Skin

Heating as well as air conditioning can dry out your skin. The warm air in contrast to the cold air outside can dry out the skin as well. And depending on where you live, the air may be drier in the winter. Hydration can also eliminate impurities in the body, such as blemishes.

Water is essential in keeping skin cells hydrated and reducing dryness, chapping, peeling and skin acne. Help keep your skin glowing during the winter months and avoid the chapped lips by intaking enough water despite whether you feel thirsty!

Energy Boost

Ever feel that afternoon fatigue? It is likely you are dehydrated, one of the major causes of daytime tiredness. Water supports our body’s functions, helping it run efficient and smoothly. Dehydration starves our body of what it needs, slowing it down and leaving us feeling tired. Instead of reaching for the caffeine or sugar, enjoy a glass of water for a boost in energy.

Support Brain Health

Lack of water affects cognitive function, making tasks more difficult or harder than normal to complete.* Drink up!

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The cold weather makes our body temperature drop. In response, our brains tell our body to get energy (food). Without proper hydration we tend to be less mindful of how much we are eating. The result – overeating!


Improve digestion, boost metabolism, and help maintain the Ph balance by drinking warm water with lemon on an empty stomach in the morning. One cup is suffice. Too much lemon water can erode teeth enamel. 

How much water should you be drinking daily?

According to the Institute of Medicine*, your total beverage intake should be:

  • Women  -  9 cups (2.2 liters) 
  • Men  -   13 cups (3 liters)
  • Children ages 1-3 years need approximately 4 cups of beverages per day, including water or milk. This increases for older kids to around 5 cups for 4-8 year olds, and 7-8 cups for older children.*

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. During the winter we have less visible signs that we are thirsty. We tend to not recognize that we are dehydrated. Next time you head to the kitchen for a treat, get a class of water first. Then see how you feel. Do you still want the treat?

Photo Credit:  Photo by Erda Estremera


Health, Well-being

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