July 11

Why We Eat Less in the Heat

I have heard this a lot over the years. Visiting friends recently this came up in conversation, “Why do we eat less when it is hot?” Especially for us who live in areas with diversity of seasons like winter snow and summer heat, we may feel this change even more. And with the recent heat waves across the United States, many personally experienced the change in appetite.

Surveys and research point to the fact that individuals do intake less when the external temperature is hotter. It comes down to the warming effects of food. When we intake food, it creates energy in the body and must be processed. Thus, when it is hot outside we subconsciously do not want to add energy or heat to the body.

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine was developed over 3,000 years ago in India. The core principle of Ayurveda is that optimal health and wellness is achieved when there is a balance in the whole body – one’s body, mind and spirit). When it is hot outside, eating foods that will cool the body is beneficial and balancing.

What foods can help you stay cool? Here are six cooling foods to enjoy during the heat.

6 Cooling Foods for the Body


A good source of antioxidants, watermelon is 90 percent water and offers essential electrolytes. Additionally, it “as a natural diuretic (expels excess fluid in the body) and keeps the liver and kidney healthy”. [source]


Cool as a cucumber. Have you ever said this? I haven’t but now I will! The cucumber is also mostly water, up to 95%. The “inside of a cucumber is around 20 degrees cooler”. [source] Wow – that is fascinating to me! In Ayurveda, cucumber is “prescribed to patients who complain of urination problems and excessive thirst”. [source]


These tiny brown seeds are rich in the omega-3 fatty acid ALA, lignans and fiber. What flaxseed is great at is helping to digest food. Internal heat is created when we digest food, therefore consuming flaxseed (1-2 tablespoons) can aid digestion.


Mint has naturally cooling properties which is why you may see it in many summer beverages. In addition to helping with digestion, it is beneficial for respiratory problems, nausea, headache.


Did you know lemons have eliminate sweat in the body? Ayurvedic medicine recommends warm water with lemon in the morning to aid digestion.

Coconut water

Coconut water has cooling properties and is full of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. A great way to beat the heat!

As you go about your summer activities, bring awareness to what you are eating and how much. Feeling the heat, try these cooling foods! Stay cool!

Photo Credit: Fabian Struwe


Cooling Foods, Summer Heat

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