September 12

What is Your Reset?

Do you notice when you get frenzied, stressed out, feeling out of whack? We all have these moments. Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep, or there is a coworker that drives you bonkers, or too much news or tired of this covid pandemic. There are a lot of stressors in life.

When you feel stressed or frenzied, what is your relief? Where do you find comfort or peace? This is different for everyone. Many turn to food or alcohol. Others choose physical exercise. Do you know what your go to resets are?

In feeling life stressors, it is important to take some time for yourself to reset or rebalance. To find your inner-calm again. There are healthy ways to rest and less healthy ways. A good place to begin is to notice when you are in the stressful moment, then notice what your go to reset is.

* Don't try this if it will bring more stress. Be mindful of what your body and mind needs in this moment.


Write down something that stresses you out. Next, write down what you do to feel less stressed. What helps you feel calm again?

Be Kind to Yourself

Whatever your current reset is, can you be kind to yourself and not judge yourself about it? Easier said than done. We tend to be much harder on ourselves than if a friend was sharing the same situation about them.

Curious about healthy ways to reset the mind and body? Here is a list of 9 healthy ways to consider.

Photo Credit: Photo by Tom Grünbauer


Awareness, Self-learning, Well-being, wellness

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