January 28

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness has become a buzz word. In at least one article or zoom meeting per week I hear someone say “be mindful”. With all the buzz do we really get it? Are we doing it?

Simply defined, mindfulness is paying attention to what is going on around you and inside you. It is engaging the senses for awareness of the elements (people, animals, things). It is becoming aware of how you are relating to situations or things happening around us.

Mindfulness is being able to look at the thought as opposed to being lost in the thought. Mindfulness is awareness.

Imagine going to the grocery store and only focusing on you, your needs, your feelings. Then imagine going to the grocery store and becoming aware of the people around you. Noticing if someone is in a hurry, and being able to give them the space to be in a hurry. Having more awareness of those around you – how distant you are in these social distancing times. Perhaps feelings arise, you notice them but don’t cling to the fact that someone is not wearing their mask. This is a shift.

Meditation is a mindfulness practice. Learning to be quiet in our bodies at home or wherever we practice will set us up for better success when we go out into the world and practice mindfulness.

Next time you are outside your home, think of it as a mindful awareness exercise for the day. Notice the people, things, sounds around you. Next, observe what feelings you have, without judgement; which translates to the practice of not getting upset with yourself if you have a negative thought or feeling. Simply observe, increase your awareness of your feeling and noticing your thoughts.

Happy Mindfulness Practicing!

If you are interested in learning more about Mindfulness and Meditation, check out this week’s upcoming workshop!


Introduction to Mindfulness, Mindfulness Practice

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