March 5

Tips for Difficult Times, Dealing with the Heaviness

The world is facing a difficult time as we witness Russia invade Ukraine. The pandemic still exists, although improving. All the while our daily life happenings of relationships, work, family continue. Depending on the day and time, any one or all of these things may feel a bit heavy.

How do I lighten the heaviness? 
What can I do to shift my energy?

Taking time to take care of ourselves is one of the greatest acts of love we can do. When we are taken care of, it allows us to be a brighter light to those around us, to be a better person as we move through our day. It is the small moments such as the greeting with the store cashier – how we carry our energy affects others we come into contact with.

#1 Practice Awareness

Have you noticed when you have taken in too much news? Do you know when to step away? When a friend asks for a favor and you don’t have the energy to really give, are you able to say no?

Becoming aware of how you feel in the moment will help you to make the right decision in taking care of ourselves. You may not get it right each time but you keep trying. How do you do this?

#2 Pause + Breathe

Remember to pause. Take a few breaths and check in with your body and mind. I like to count five breaths on my hand. How are you feeling?

If you move through our day from one activity to another, you can become like a tornado – picking up the energy of everything and everyone around us. Set a reminder to pause and breathe. Shifting the focus from the activity or “the doing” to the reminder of the present moment is helpful in calming and resetting the mind and body.

Like the pause at the crosswalk before crossing the street. Sometimes the slowing down and the reminding ourselves of where we are right now in this very moment is the helpful pause needed.

#3 Unplug

Step away from the news, phone alerts, social media, and email. When you feel heavy, it is like too much has been absorbed. The sponge is full and can take in anymore. Unplugging will help your body and mind relax and unwind.

#4 Connect

When life feels heavy, it can feel even heavier if you are feeling alone. Making the intention to talk and connect with others can be uplifting. When you talk with a friend or the café owner about what is happening in the world, you are reminded that we are not alone in seeing the suffering. Reach out to a friend or family member to connect. Connecting with others doesn’t always mean you need to share the heaviness of what you are feeling. The connection can be therapeutic in itself.

#5 Act

Being able to feel you are contributing or making a difference can not only be helpful to others but also to yourself. If the heavy you feel is from the news around Ukraine, here are ways you can help.

If you are feeling heaviness from other parts of your life, think about what you have the energy for. Do you have energy to volunteer? Do you have energy to do something for another, like baking or making a card? f not, that is okay.

Giving to others can be uplifting but giving to ourselves is just as important. If you are finding you need to give to yourself, what self-care helps refuel you? Massage, hot bath, haircut, a walk in nature, a bike ride, baking for you.

What sounds good for you to try?

Photo by Robert Lukeman


self-care, Well-being

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