Why meditate? Besides feeling calm, research tells us that meditation can offer an array of benefits from good sleep, improved communication, supporting our nervous system to name a few. Even you as an adult could benefit from pausing for a few minutes in your day to sit quietly. Meditation can be more than just that but pausing for a few minutes is great in itself.
So why not share this great practice with young kids? Recently I had someone inquire with me about meditation steps for their 3 year old, wanting to do a family meditation. I absolutely loved hearing about a family practicing together. You may wonder, is 3 too young?

While a 3 year old may not sit for very long, they can begin to learn what meditation is and learn to sit quietly if only for a minute. They are also at the age of modeling their parents. Teaching a young child a skill like meditation is planting the seed for it to continue to grow over the years.
Tips for Teaching a Young Child to Meditate
#1) Share What Meditation Is
Being by sharing that you all are going to do a meditation together. You can explain what meditation is.
“We are going to do a new family activity. Meditation.
In meditation, we practice sitting still and quiet. It gives our bodies and minds a rest. Kind of like sleep but different. Let’s try it.”
Begin with 1 to 3 minutes. You can use a timer. Depending on your child you might want them to set the timer, a way for them to feel included in the practice.
#2) Have an Opener
This can be the sound of a bell, chime or song. Something that you will do each time it is time to meditate together. It would be great to use something visual versus a phone app but the phone is always an option. Using something visual in the home would create an invitation for the child to eventually use that same chime or bell when they want to practice on their own. You can also have the child sound the bell or chime to begin - another way for them to feel part of the practice.
#3) Make It Fun!
Play a fun song to indicate it is time for meditation. Have your child invite their stuffies (stuffed animals) to also join, making it a big circle. Allow for more time for more stuffies. Place a smiley face on the calendar for every day you all meditate together.
The practice of meditation does not have to wait till a certain age. Children begin modeling their parents at a very young age.
Thank you to my friend for this wonderful inquiry. Enjoy the practice!