September 25

Responding versus Reacting

In the age of technology that we are in, we receive messages from people in all sorts of ways. Phone texting, Facebook messaging, LinkedIn messaging, Instagram messaging, WhatsApp, and likely a few more that I have not mentioned. And my favorite – the old-fashioned voicemail.

How does your phone notify you when you receive a message? Many of us have our phones with us all the time. One might even move it around their home with them as to not miss a message or be able to check something on the phone. The beeps and rings can be helpful but also disruptive to what we are doing.

Have you thought about whether you respond to your phone versus reacting?

To respond is to reply with care and awareness. Reacting is immediate, perhaps with less thought and awareness.

The phone is an interesting experiment to play with. Next time your phone rings, notice if you feel the immediate urgency to check it. How long can you go without checking it?

Challenge #1

Next time your phone rings, notice if you feel the immediate urgency to check it. How long can you go without checking it?

Challenge #2

 Step away from your phone for a half a day or an entire day. Go off the grid to let you mind disconnect to the beeps and notifications of the online world. Become aware of the attachment or non-attachment to your phone.

Going off the grid from our phone is like spending a day in the 90s when we lived without phones attached to our hips.

It can be fun to use your phone as an experiment. Learning about how you respond or react. It might be different on different days. When I feel bored, I find myself reacting more to my phone than responding. 

Have fun experimenting and developing your phone awareness!

Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Preez@priscilladupreez


Awareness, Mindfulness Activity, Responding

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