July 28

Mindfulness During Covid-19

Covid-19 has brought about a whole new way of living for many of us. In March, most of us found ourselves sheltered at home while others served as essential workers at our hospitals, grocery stores, coffee shops and convenience stores. Our regular day to day lives of freely going and coming have ceased. Each of us called to be more mindful in a new way. For those of us working out of the home, work is different now. Standing six feet away from our coworkers. And for any of us going about getting groceries and other needs, we are becoming more aware of our presence around others. Whether at work, shopping, going out, or in our communities, we are being asked to be mindful in a greater way.

So what does mindfulness during Covid-19 look like? It is becoming more mindful of who is around me when I go out for groceries or food pick-up, being aware to give others extra space. It is noticing that others may hear me coming and sometimes a simple “hello” or “excuse me” can be alerting and helpful to others. It is paying attention on the street when I exercise ensuring I give enough space to others.

In addition to cultivating awareness of our physical distance to others, it is helpful to remind ourselves to be mindful of how we are feeling. We are in unusual times and may be experiencing different emotions. It is okay to have these emotions. In recognizing these emotions, it is helpful to identify the emotion and where it is felt in the body; to be aware that this emotion is here but it is temporary.

If we have the capacity, we can begin to notice the emotions and feelings of others. What are friends and family experiencing? How can we have care and compassion for others?


Adults, Mindfulness Practice

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