December 18

Mindful Words, Mindful Actions

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool. To use mindfulness as a tool, it means taking that moment to see how you feel. What are you feeling? Where are you feeling an emotion in the body? Are you rushing to the next activity?

Imagine you are in a conversation with a coworker and they say something you don’t agree with. Do you notice whether you are reacting to them or responding? To react is to be on auto pilot. The first thing that comes to mind comes straight out of your mouth.

Respond (not react) To respond is to take a breath, pause and see how, what and where you are feeling. It is to become aware of what is happening internally before responding externally.

Imagine another scenario. You are trying to get a lot done. You are finishing up one task onto the next. How does it feel? Often when we are under pressure to get a lot done, we quickly move from one thing to the next. We don’t have time to see how we feel.

This past week I found myself in such scenario. I was knocking things off the list, rushing. Then I stopped myself. I stood still. The moment of stillness brought awareness. “I am rushing. Why am I rushing. How about slowing down?” The pause only took 20 seconds yet brought me a new sense of freedom and less of the rushing.

Mindful Words, Mindful Actions Whether you are at a holiday get together, in a work situation, rushing to get things done, remember mindfulness. Remember to take time to:

  • Pause
  • Breathe
  • Feel
  • Slow down
  • Respond when ready as opposed to reacting right away

When we do these five things it can help us be more mindful in our words and actions.



Mindfulness Practice

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