March 18

Meditation Series Part 7: Visualization Meditation

Visualization meditation, also called imagery meditation, is the practice of using an image in your mind to rest your focus. A peaceful and serene image is used to rest your focus on. This can be practiced on your own or in a guided mediation.

Why practice visualization meditation?

When we visualize a positive scene or image, it can help us relax, feel more at ease and at peace. By focusing our mind on something visual like a serene image, it can help us focus on positive, calming throughs which can alleviate stress or fear and help us cope with a challenging situation. 

How to Practice 

A guided visualization meditation can be very powerful and helpful in leading through the process of visualizing and focusing. On Monday, March 21st, you can join us for a guided visualization meditation. 

To practice on your own, here are some helpful steps. Begin by getting into your meditation practice: close your eyes or lower your gaze and quiet the body.

1. Select an image that you find peaceful and serene. A place that brings you a sense of calm and ease. It can be a place you have visited or a place you imagine in your mind. 

2. What do you see? As you sit quietly focusing your mind on this image, see all the possible details as possible. For example, a mountain. Is the mountain tall and jagged? Rock or trees or both? Is there water? Do you see animals?

3. What do you hear? If there are animals, can you image their sounds? What. is the sound of water or trees?

4. What do you smell? Is it the smell of fruit trees, nature, water?

5. With this image in mind, what taste comes to mind? Is it a berry you pick from a bush on the mountain? Is the food you enjoy when you go to this place?

6. How does it feel when you are at this serene place? How does it feel to be focusing your mind's attention on this place? Feel what is happening in your body in this very moment, from the feeling in the legs to the stomach to the heart and mind.

When we spend time focusing our mind on a serene image, we begin to adopt the energy of what we imagine. Feelings of equanimity and calm.

Just as the image is a place that we can feel, hear, taste, listen and smell, each element does not fully comprise us. Just like our own feelings. They are a part of us but they do not have to completely comprise us.

The image can help us practice seeing all of these things but not becoming lost in them. With the practice, we come to know a deeper silence and wisdom. 

Where to practice?

Like breath meditation, visualization meditation can be practiced anywhere. To start try a quiet place in your home or a bench in the park.

Join us for a guided imagery meditation this Monday (March 21st) at 8pm ET/5pm PT on zoom. It is a small group, meeting on Zoom (your video is optional). More details here.

Photo Credit: Photo by Agnieszka Mordaunt


Meditation Practice

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