February 18

Meditation Series Part 4: Mantra Meditation

In Awareness of Mind’s Meditation Series, each week we explore a different element or practice of meditation. In the fourth part of our series, we explore mantra meditation. The Sanskrit translation is "instrument of thought." Looking at the two parts of the word: man and tra, man means mind and tra means the heat of life. 

What is Mantra Meditation?

A mantra is a repeated word, phrase or sound. A mantra can be repeated silently or aloud. Initially and still today, mantas are aids in meditation and spiritual devotion.

Why practice Mantra Meditation? (the benefits)

The repetition of a word, phrase or sound is used to clear the mind, instill concentration, revitalize the body — and help you enter an even deeper state of meditation. Repeating a word, phrase or sound helps you focus your attention.

Some enjoy the repetition of a mantra because they enjoy the feeling of the vibrational sound in their body. The vibrational sound of a mantra subdues the erratic mind patterns and energy in the body. A mantra can be deeply calming, aligning your subconscious with the intention of your mantra.

The repetition or chanting of a manta for extended time can help you become more alert and in tune with your surroundings, helping you to experience greater awareness.

When to practice Mantra Meditation?

If you don’t practice mantra meditation regularly, it is particularly helpful to use a mantra in meditation on days when your feelings and thoughts are overwhelming, making it difficult to concentrate. A mantra in meditation helps to shift the brain from the feelings and thoughts to something else.

How to practice Mantra Meditation?

  • Choose a word, phrase or sound that resonates with you, or speaks to whatever you are wanting or needing in your life in this moment.
  • Decide if you will repeat the mantra silently or aloud.
  • Begin. Repeat that mantra over and over again for a few minutes.

If you get distracted with throughs, noises, anything around you, redirect your focus back to your manta. Continue to repeat it. Each time you are distracted, come back to your mantra. Remember, we all get distracted. This is a practice. Keep practicing. Be kind to yourself if you get distracted. It’s okay. You are not alone – we all get distracted at times.

Photo credit:  Jonathan Meyer


Meditation Practice

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