November 27

Less is More. How to Be More Mindful and Present

“Less is more” is how she phrased it. A friend recently shared their newish practice of not overly committing herself. In the past she may have said yes to most of the requests from friends to go to events or gatherings. Sometimes scheduling out three weeks in advance, to only find herself busy from one day to the next with commitments. But nowadays, she is simply saying no. She is committing to less and enjoying more.

With less commitments, she is finding there is more freedom in the long run. There is less stress in trying to do it all.

" Less is more.

There is less stress in trying to do it all."

 As she shared her new found freedom of being able to do what she is feeling that day, it occurred to me that she is living in the present moment. She is truly living and practicing mindfulness.

Live Mindfully in the Present Moment

Mindfulness is paying attention to what is happening around you and how you are feeling internally. By being open to what is happening around her, and tuning into how she feels to choose what she wants to do that day – this is living in the present moment in a mindful way.

Make Time to Be in the Moment

The holiday season is here. There are more events and gatherings this year than a year ago. It might be tempting to say yes to it all.

It is great to make plans and have things to look forward to, but are you leaving enough time to simply be? Be present. Be mindful. Be available to what life offers in that day. Be open to seeing how you feel in that day and what might serve you best. Be present and aware of what you need and want in the moment?

If you are looking to spice life up this holiday season, begin by making less plans and be open to how the day unfolds. You might be surprised by what you end up doing, and how this way of living makes you feel. Perhaps less stressed with more freedom. Doesn’t that sound nice?

How Do You Want to Feel This Holiday Season?

Give thought to how you want to feel this holiday season. What steps can you take to support that? How can you apply "less is more" in your life?

Photo credit: Photo by Jerin J


Mindfulness Practice, Present Moment Awareness

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