July 31

How to Practice Mindful Listening?

Here are the simple steps to mindful listening:

  • Be still, either standing or sitting.
  • Close your eyes or fix your gaze on one thing. This will help you focus the mind.
  • Now listen.
  • Notice if your mind wanders. If it does, bring your mind back to the sound. Repeat.
  • After a bit of time, check in with yourself. How do you feel after mindful listening? Did you hear anything new?

If you find you are curious how much time you have been mindful listening, next time set a timer. Just like in baking we use a timer so that we don’t have to keep wondering, is it ready, is it time? Using a timer for a practice can be helpful to give you the freedom of being in the practice.

Try this!

When you first wake up, spend a few minutes listening to the sounds in your room, home and outside. What do you notice? How does it feel to deeply listen when you first wake up?

When to Practice - This past year I have begun practicing mindful listening when I first wake up. Noticing the sounds outside. It is then fun then to hear the different sounds when I travel somewhere else.

Remember, you can practice this at home, in the morning or at night or when you are out and about for a walk or bike ride. Try it for a minute or two, and feel free to let us know how it went for you.

When I take a few moments to close my eyes and listen to the sounds around me, it inevitably helps me feel more relaxed, calm and connected to the environment around me.

Read more about mindful listening here.

Photo credit: Jaee Kim


Mindfulness Activity, Mindfulness Practice, Mindfulness with Kids

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