October 26

How to Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Day

If you are new to the concept of mindfulness, then this post is for you. Others may find this information beneficial as a reminder to coming back to the practice.

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the moment of becoming aware of thoughts in our brain, or the flowers we pass on our walk down the street. It is being present in this very moment right now.

In our busy lives, we are multi-tasking. Perhaps it is answering texts while standing in line. Reading emails while waiting to pick up the kids. Making a grocery list in our head while driving home from work. It is the hope that with technology, we as our world will eventually work less but for most of us, that is not the case. We are working harder than ever before, juggling more than ever before.

Mindfulness is a tool that can be used like an anchor, to bring you back to the present moment. Here is an experiment for you. If you are reading this in the morning, begin today – otherwise start tomorrow. Make a mental note in your mind every time you walk through a doorway. Simply say to yourself “Doorway”. See whether this brings you back to the present moment as you pass through various doorways throughout your day. Also see if you notice anything new. I would love hear what you discover.

As a tool, mindfulness requires practice to improve the skill. LeBron didn’t become an amazing basketball player overnight. Give attention to being mindful in your day. My bet is that you will feel better and more centered. Have fun!


Mindfulness Practice

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