July 4

How Does Independence Show Up in Your Life?

As the U.S. celebrates our independence on the fourth of July, it is interesting to think about the meaning of independence – what it means for our country and what it means for us individually.

The United States Congress voted in favor of independence from Great Britain on July 2nd, and the Declaration of Independence was adoptoed on July 4th. Independence or to be independent is defined as “not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker, autonomous or free”.

Whether you live in the U.S. or another country, how do you celebrate your country’s independence? What activities do you partake in? What meaning is in these activities for you?

For me, it is a day of connection; to be with others. I take time to pause, enjoy being independent and the feeling of being free and relaxed. July 4th also marks mid-year, a time to pause and reflect. Taking place in the summer, it is a day of grilling out with friends. Many stores are closed and the focus is taking time to enjoy this independence, this freedom.

When I think about independence for myself, what comes to mind is the support from family to help me learn how to become independent and my own personal growth in continual learning and practice. I recall a memory from a class I was in years ago. Someone offered to help me put away props after a yoga class. They said “can I help you with that?”. I replied rather quickly, “No I got it”, then followed with “I tend to be fiercely independent”. This made us both chuckle in the moment but I found it worth reflection.

In what parts of our lives are we independent? What parts of our lives do we depend on others? And in what parts of our lives are we fiercely independent?

Taking a step back and reflecting on each one of these can allow us to become aware of our actions, and perhaps where we may invite others into our lives to support us in new or different ways. I found that being fiercely independent, while strong in nature and beneficial at times, is not always necessary in every situation.

By developing awareness of our actions – how we celebrate the fourth and how independence shows up in our own lives – we can find greater freedom in mind, body and spirit.

For those celebrating Independence Day, I wish for you a day of smiles and ease.

Photo Credit: Aaron Burson


Awareness, Independence

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