July 30

Have You Heard of Mindful Listening?

We hear things throughout our day, whether it is the birds or crickets or for those in the city it is the hum of transportation (bus, cars and motorbikes). There are sounds all around us but how often do we take the time to pause and focus our minds and ears on the sounds.

Try this!

Spend five minutes listening to the sounds outside where you live. Noisy or quiet, simply listen. Then ask yourself, "how do I feel after that focused listening?"

What is Mindful Listening? Mindful listening is focusing your mind on the sounds around you for a set amount of time. It can be a minute or 30 minutes. The great thing about mindful listening is that you can do it anywhere. Imagine showing up to an outdoor picnic or party. When you first arrive, stand the outer edge and listen. It can be helpful to close the eyes to block out our sense of sight. Or fix your gaze on one thing and listen.

Notice if your mind wanders into thought. If it does, gently bring your attention back to sound. If the mind keeps wandering off into thought, that’s okay. Remember it is a practice. The idea of mindful listening sounds simple and easy but there might be days in which focusing the mind might be more of a challenge. Have compassion for yourself…and try again another time.

Other Ways to Practice Mindful Listening

Practicing to listen to sounds can be an entry way to improving your listening in any situation. Next time you are talking with a friend, become aware of how present you are during the conversation - meaning do you notice if your mind wanders or are you thinking of other things? When we practicing listening deeply to another, it helps us to become more compassionate and empathetic. Mindful listening can also help you develop greater self-awareness. Try it with a friend or with kids. 

Read about simple steps for mindful listening here.

Photo credit: Joshua Olsen


Mindfulness Activity, Mindfulness Practice, Mindfulness with Kids

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