April 2

Focus Meditation

Focus Meditation or also known as Focused Attention Meditation is the simple exercise of focusing your attention, your mind on a single object. This object can be a physical object, word or sound.

If you feel stressed or overwhelmed, this can be a useful practice. At times of stress, it may be challenging to sit quietly in meditation with ourselves. That is when using an object to focus on can be helpful. 

Photo by Michael Walk on Unsplash

A physical object can be something in your home like a candle, plant, prayer beads, or favorite object. Outside your home, the object could be something in nature like a tree, flower or water. 

An object can also be a single word to repeat can help the mind and breath to find a natural repetition which helps us focus.

Another object to focus on is sound. Whether music or natural sounds around us allows the mind to rest its focus on this element. It is the practice of listening. 

How to Practice

Focus Meditation is a simple practice. Set aside time, Choose something to focus on. Find a quiet place, and begin.

The object you are choosing to focus on is also referred to as your anchor. It is where you will direct your mind. If the mind wanders, bring it back to the anchor (the object of your focus).

There are times when it might feel like the mind is wandering off a lot. That is okay. Each time the mind wanders, bring it back to the object. If it wanders again and again, that's also okay. There are days and times that happens to all of us. 

In meditation, we practice focusing our attention. Noticing when our mind wanders is part of the practice. 


While meditation in general brings about an abundance of benefits like improved attention, reduced stress, improved communication, among others. Focus Meditation is particularly beneficial in stress relief and decreasing feelings of overwhelm. 

Meditation is not a magic pill that brings about all these wonderful things right away. It may take time. The amount of time will be different for each person.

We can share in the practice of meditation by joining a guided meditation together but our own practice is unique to us - what we experience and how we experience it.

Join us for Monday Meditations. A free guided meditation on zoom every Monday at 8pm ET/5pm PT.

Photo Credit: Sixteen Miles Out


Meditation Practice, Mindfulness Practice

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