When we are experiencing a difficult emotion or perhaps many emotions that are not very fun to deal with, it is easy to feel lost in the emotion. To feel the weight of the emotion and unsure how we will surpass this feeling.
Remember you are not alone. We all experience difficult emotions at one time or another. After this past week, many of us are feeling the weight of decisions out of our control. While we cannot undue what has occurred, we can begin to take steps to help us move forward.
Take a Nature Pause
Nature is calming, soothing and grounding. Take a moment or many moments to simply pause and notice what is outside. Look at a tree, a blade of grass, the dirt on the ground. Focus your mind on the nature you see. Do this by noticing specific elements of it: the color, shape, texture, how the light hits it.
Release + Share
Release what you are feeling by sharing aloud with a friend, or writing it down. The process of letting some of the emotion flow out of us is not only beneficial to the mind but also the body. In a way, we are no longer holding on to all of that emotion within ourselves.
Practice Gratitude
Even during the darkest times we can find something to be grateful for. Is it the air we are breathing or a small act of kindness by another? Something within ourselves? Something in nature today you are grateful for. It might feel more difficult to be positive and grateful but it is can also be more helpful to you. Write down three gratitudes.
Take Action
This week a court decision was made that impacted women across the U.S. Take time to be with those emotions. After some time, give thought to what steps you can take to make change. A million small steps by a million people adds up to 1 million. As my Spanish teacher reminds me, "poco a poco", little by little.

Photo Credit: Margit Bantowsky