Each day is a new beginning, yet there is something special about the new year. For many of us it gives us permission to begin anew. Begin a new project, a new life, a new diet, a new hobby, a new dream. While we have the opportunity to do all of these things on any given day of the year, the new year is a special time.
Traditionally New Years is a time of setting resolutions, often focusing on what wasn’t done last year and needs to be accomplished this year. Resolution by definition means to be firm in doing something or the act of solving. Rather than solving a problem within yourself, what if you were to set affirmations for what you want for yourself. Think of it as dreaming up a possibility rather than solving a problem. This is why I like the use of words “intention setting” rather than “resolution”.
Here are some simple steps to set your intention(s) for the new year:
1. Get cozy and comfy. Enjoy a cup of tea, warm blanket or go somewhere that fuels you (a coffee shop, park, quiet place in your home).
2. Reflection time. Begin by reflecting on what you want for yourself, what would you like to see in yourself or for yourself one month or one year from now. Your intention can be anything: a more joyful you or starting a new business. It can something small or big. Try to listen to your heart and soul (your gut) rather than the over-thinking thoughts.
Ask yourself this question, “What do you need or want in your life in order to become the best version of you?”.
3. Write it down. Write down the intention with as much detail as that comes to mind.
4. Support your intention(s). Brainstorm three things you can do to support your intention this year. Some supporting activity ideas are:
- Writing down your intention on a post note or card, and placing it in three visible spots (bathroom mirror, car, refrigerator, dressing area to name a few).
- Tell a family member of friend about your intention and ask them to be your accountability partner throughout the year.
- What can you do daily or weekly to make your intention a reality?
- Commit to saying your intention aloud to yourself everyday, even up to 10x a day. There is power in speaking affirmations aloud.
- Set reminders in your calendar or phone alarm.
- Join a group of like minded individuals with the same intention, goal or project. It could be a positivity group to a workout group to an entrepreneur group. There is almost a group for everything and if you don’t find one, start one.
- Write down 50 things you do to support your intention throughout the year, write each one on an index card. Commit to doing one each week. Place the stack somewhere obvious in your home or office.
5. Have fun! Life should be fun, why not have fun with your intentions. Be silly or get playful. Enjoy the process, that is part of the journey!