May 28

7 Ways to Cope and Balance

There is a lot going on in the world. Is it more than before? Or are we seeing more of it because of all the technology at our fingertips? It is both. It is a lot to take in. How are we feeling? How are we handling it all?

There are times when our minds, bodies and hearts have taken in as much as they can. Like a sponge - it is full and needs a reset. What is your reset?

Different times may call for us to consider different ways to help support our minds, bodies and hearts. Here are the seven healthy and helpful ways to bring balance to you. No need to do them all at once. Pick one, try out this week. Make time to check in with yourself to see how you feel afterwards. 

The practice of mindfulness is becoming aware of ourselves, and part of that is noticing how we feel during and after we do something.

7 Helpful Ways to Cope + Balance

#1) Balance information in. 

There are many ways to take in information today - the news, social media, video, tv, articles - and through our conversations with family, friends and colleagues about what is happening.

While it is important to stay informed and discuss what is happening. It is also important to recognize when you need to step away. Once you are informed about a situation, consider if you have enough to step away. Consider limiting how you take information in - one news source or outlet. This will help limit the number of times you see the same story.

#2) Tech Break.

We could all take a lesson from the Orthodox and other traditionally observant Jews who observe Shabbat by refraining from electrical devices. Is there a day this week you could make "tech free"? A day you completely step away from the computer, television, and even the phone. If not a whole day, a half day?

#3) Self-care.

If you are feeling heavy, more tired, overwhelmed, sad, angry, or whatever emotion you are feeling from witnessing what is going on in the world, give thought to what extra self-care you can make happen in your life. A massage, warm bath, music. Here is a full list to give you ideas.

#4) Do some kindness.

When we are kind to others, it helps fill our energy cup up. Write a note to a friend, help a neighbor, find something new you can do for a family member or close friend. Drop off flowers or chocolate. These little acts of kindness go a long way for the receiver and the giver.

#5) Breathe.

In Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum Village, a bell is rung every hour as an invitation to pause and pay attention to the breath, to come back to the present moment. You can create your own tuning in practice by setting an alarm on your phone for 1x each day. When the alarm rings, sit for one minute with your breath. The health benefits are many, and it also brings our minds back to the present moment of wherever we are.

#6) Take action.

We are unique individuals, and what one person needs to improve their energy, spirits or emotional well-being is going to be different than another. For some, action is the needed. If this is you, brainstorm on your own or with a friend of what you can do. A phone call to your representative, volunteering, or donating are a few ways.

#7) Loving-Kindness Meditation.

Meditation is a powerful tool. It can be beneficial in helping both the mind and body relax and feel calm. A loving-kindness meditation is the beautiful practice of sending kind thoughts to another person and ourselves. Join Jen on Monday at 8pm ET/5pm PT for a special Loving=Kindness practice. Sign up here.

Photo Credit: Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris



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