January 15

6 Tips for Immune Boosting

Recently a friend reminded me of something that happened in life before covid. Getting sick. Years into the pandemic, it is easy to forget such things.  As we are out and about in the world more these days, we may encounter a non-covid illness like a cold, flu or something else. Whether you’ve caught the covid or some other illness, give your immune system a boost with these healthy steps.

#1 Vitamin D 

15 minutes in the sun between 10am and 3pm is the ideal amount to get yourself some vitamin D. The timeframe varies depending on where you live. During these winter months, the weather outside might not feel so inviting to take a cold wintery walk. A good back up option is vitamin D supplement with K2. The combination helps direct the calcium to your bones where it's needed.

If you are curious about what supplements to take your health – specifically for women, check out the upcoming workshop: Women’s Health & Supplements on January 30th, which shares the necessary vitamins a many women lack yet need.

#2 Vitamin C

Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and protects white blood cells. If you have stomach issues or want to try this for fun, consider buffered vitamin C. In buffered vitamin C, other minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium are combined to allow the body to receive the vitamin C easier (less cramping or contraction like that of a stomach ache).

Take a supplement or increase food intake of citrus, kiwi, strawberries, bell peppers and broccoli.

#3 Sleep

Sleep is essential for brain and body functions. Think of it like part of the fuel you give your body. A solid night of sleep (7-9 hours for adults, more for teens and children) will support your body’s natural immunity. Not enough sleep? Immune cells go down and inflammation cells go up.

If you are curious about what you can do to help you get a good night’s sleep, sign up for the upcoming Sound Sleep Workshop on Sunday, February 13.

#4 Water

Water is another essential fuel for your body, helping your brain and body functions. Water helps to remove toxins and helps to prevent build-up of toxins in the body. Another important function of water – it helps carry nutrients to each organ in the body. How does it do this? The bloodstream is mostly made of water. When you have enough water, it can do its job to transport nutrients. Think of water as the fuel to help nutrients get where they are going either fast or slow.

#5 Exercise 

Time to get out and walk, climb those stairs in your apartment building, turn on a YouTube exercise, dust off the treadmill, or simply lift your arms up. In short – move! Mild to moderate exercise for 30-45 minutes is an excellent immune system booster. Supporting overall health, exercise also help release toxins in the body.

#6 Food

Winter is a time of warm soups and warm meals. Incorprorate these immune supporting foods and herbs:

Ginger, oregano and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can occur due to injury, bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat or another cause. Reducing toxins to help your body stay strong is a good way to help your body stay strong.

Garlic and onions offer have antimicrobial properties (ability to remove bacteria).

A reminder to take time to support your health. Try focusing on making one or two of these important each week. Change happens one step at a time!

Photo Credit: Noah Buscher


Immune Boosters

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