June 12

6 Reasons to Meditate

What is meditation?




1 : to engage in contemplation or reflection. He meditated long and hard before announcing his decision.

2 : to engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.

Meditation is a formal mindfulness practice. It provides an opportunity to practice focusing the mind. Thousands of thoughts pass through our minds each day. Imagine the effects on the brain when we stop being engrossed in the chatter.

In meditation, we can explore and observe when our mind wonders and if we are having a reaction to certain thoughts. One of the greatest benefits of meditation is the development of awareness; creating space in one’s mind to become aware of what is happening around us and what is happening inside us in any given moment.

As meditation grows in interest, the benefits of meditation have been researched. Evidence-based research indicates the greatest benefit of meditation is gained when an individual has a persistent practice of 15 minutes a day as opposed to one hour per week.

Six Benefits and Reasons to Meditate

There are many great benefits of a meditation practice. Here are six reasons to inspire or motivate you to start or continue practicing meditation.

Decrease Stress

When we become aware of the “feeling” of stress, we can then become aware of “why we are feeling” stressed. Mindfulness helps us build awareness and create healthy habits. An 8-week study of the meditation practice, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), showed a reduction in psychological stress and inflammation. By learning to calm the mind, we can directly affect our body’s response to stressors in our lives.

Boost Working Memory

There are 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts passing through our minds each day. What if you could control the number of thoughts? A 2013 research study conducted found that after a two week mindfulness training, individuals improved their working memory and decreased mind wandering. 

Relieve Insomnia and Improve Sleep Quality

A variety of factors affect our sleep: food, daily life stressors, change, difficult people, our commute home. The Sleep Foundation shares, “…various types of meditation can help improve insomnia, and may even improve sleep quality for those without existing sleep problems.” Practicing mindfulness aids in helping us calm our minds and bodies. A calm mind and body will often sleep better. Sounds nice, doesn’t it! 

Sustained Attention

Has your mind ever wondered off into other thoughts when talking with a colleague or while reading an article? The practice of mindfulness is a brain-training exercise, with practice can lead to improved attention. In a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research study of 78 participants, consistent meditation practice for three months showed improvements in sustained attention.

Enhance Working Relationship

Mindfulness helps us see how we are reacting to others. In noticing how we are feeling and responding, we can gain greater awareness about any situation. Compassion and loving-kindness based meditations help people feel more empathetic and in turn helps us feel more connected to others.

Expand Cognitive Flexibility

Research “suggests that mindfulness is intimately linked to improvements of attentional functions and cognitive flexibility”. Mindfulness is the practice of strengthening and focusing the mind which in turn allows space for expansion and increased flexibility. 

If you are interested in beginning a meditation practice or joining others in a weekly meditation, Awareness of Mind offers a free Midweek Meditation. Sign up for free. Call in from anywhere. 15 minutes every Wednesday.


Meditation Benefits, Mindfulness Practice, Reasons to Meditate

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